Foundry Molding Machines

—Focus on the research, development and production of full-automatic horizontal stripping molding machine!!

24-hour hotline: 008613926238353
  • 公司风采

  • 来源:广东中铸智能装备有限公司 作者:ADMIN 添加时间:2017-05-26
  • 公司风采

  • From:广东中铸智能装备有限公司 Editor:ADMIN Addtime:2017-05-26
  • 公司风采

  • From:China zoomzu mechanical equipment Co., Ltd Admin:ADMIN Addtime:2017-05-26

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Foundry molding machine manufacturer Long press QR codeAdd wechat friends

China zoomzu mechanical equipment Co., Ltd
Contacts:Mr. Li
Address:Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Record number:粤ICP备16050083号
Website address: keywords:foundry molding machines foundry molding machines